Well, I’m back. I must apologize to all 2 of my followers for the long delay between posts, but I was prepping for and going on a trip to Las Vegas with a few friends for the past long weekend. How was it, you ask? Awesome. It was a short trip, but for my first time there, I feel like we covered some decent ground (though I shall have to return).

In the interest of not boring anyone (since it seems that everyone except us had been to Vegas before) I’ll just post a couple of observations about the things that we did.

  1. Don’t gamble with Amy. She’s embarrassingly lucky when it comes to Blackjack and it will make you feel like a bad gamer when she gets her 5th blackjack in ten hands.
  2. The casino floors will always play some mixture of 80s and early 90s music, nothing newer.
  3. Vegas is smokey. People can smoke everywhere and I’d forgotten how much I appreciate all our anti-smoking rules here in Canada.
  4. You can drink ANYWHERE. This… I have no problem with. In fact, I think my favourite part about Vegas is walking around on the street with open liquor. Preferably with one of those giant margarita-bong things they seem to sell everywhere.
  5. Julia is a badass.
  6. Vegas clubs are just as lame as clubs anywhere. Actually, correction: Vegas clubs are nicer than the ones here, but they are filled with just as many lame people. They weren’t really even much nicer dressed.
  7. Club tour organizers don’t really know what they’re doing either.
  8. Don’t go to Pure Nightclub. It would be nice except that they pack it so full of people that you can’t even move, even at two in the morning.
  9. The Bellagio Buffet is mostly awesome, particularly the desserts and the prime rib. All the reviews crowed about the KING. CRAB. LEGS. but honestly those weren’t that great.
  10. Cirque Du Soleil’s “O” is worth every penny. Get the best seats you can. High divers! Platforms! Dancing! Trapeze! Swings!
  11. Don’t let Julia and Amy lead a group. Heh.
  12. Paris Hotel & Casino has a few yucky places to eat.
  13. The Stratosphere Hotel (where we stayed) wasn’t a bad hotel but was in a seedy end of the strip. Lesson learned when a man in a car slowed down to ask us if we were “working”. Sheesh, we were wearing flip-flops and shorts.
  14. Vegas is hot all the time. It is awesome. I hate wearing a jacket at night in the summer, so this is the place for me.
  15. The Top of the World restaurant on top of the Stratosphere tower is excellent, and needless to say, has amazing views. Worth the money.

Paris Hotel & Casino and Ballys at night (as viewed from the Bellagio)

You can see some more photos from the trip at my Flickr account.

New York, New York Hotel & Casino

8 Thoughts on “VIVA LAS VEGAS”

  • I love Vegas…so I’m automatically a fan. But super jealous about you seeing “0” . That’s on my list…

  • I’m going to keep in mind those highlights when I go, but I don’t know how to apply no. 5. Julia, any ideas?

  • ahh, saw “O” years ago and It is the best show in town. I like your blog, thinkin’ I’s gots to get me one… If I only had the time to put something worthwhile reading on it..

  • Julia – It’s true!

    Amber – O was definitely the highlight, I didn’t realize it had been around as long as it has. I thought it was a newer show for some reason.

    Leenda – Yes, you should definitely go sometime. Flight+hotel packages are so cheap and at least it is nice and hot there!

    Sandra – Yes, the blogging is amusing at times, though hard to keep up.

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