Are you looking for creative consulting and public speaking? Or motivation? Or just some amusing anecdotes about the commercial art and illustration biz? If so, I’ve got you covered!

Photo of Sam Posnick standing on stage delivering PechaKucha presentation.

Public Speaking, Creative Panels
& Workshops

Over the years I’ve done numerous public speaking engagements of all types and sizes. From audiences in the hundreds to intimate workshop settings and panels, I love to help inspire a group. My most recent PechaKucha presentation ‘The Art of Better’ was featured as “Presentation of the Day” on the official, international PechaKucha website. I am also available for online panels and live speaking engagements that meet local health regulations. Contact me directly and tell me more about your event and we can discuss what best suits your needs.

Illustration of animals with human bodies with text that reads "Consulting"


Are you looking for some advice on creative direction for your company or upcoming project? I offer Zoom-based consulting available in one hour sessions. In-person consulting sessions can also be conducted depending on current public health standards. In these sessions I’ll be happy to help you focus in on your brand or product’s core offerings, troubleshoot creative roadblocks and suss out any issues you’ve been having with your product presentation. Sometimes the best thing to do when you’ve hit a bump in the road is to have a chat with an outside professional to give you some food for thought! Please contact me for rates and sessions availability.

Illustration of wallet filled with pencil crayons and markers, headline text says "Mentorship"


Are you just starting out in your career in the arts? Or possibly you’ve been working a while but you’re just feeling a bit unmoored lately? If you’re thinking you could use a second opinion on things, allow me to help you find clarity and direction in your work. Sometimes all it takes is a kind but critical eye to get things moving the right way. I offer guidance in one hour sessions at very reasonable rates (especially for students!) and would be happy to help in any way I can. This can range from portfolio review and auditing to small business advice and creative “kicks in the pants”. Let me help you succeed!