Seattle Children’s Hospital – Forest B

“How do we make a space that can feel rather overwhelming into a place of comfort and welcoming for children? “
That’s the question Seattle Children’s Hospital posed as we worked on murals for the walls of six floors of their new Forest B expansion. The theme was defined as “Above the Canopy” and we worked together to create a journey from seaside to sky featuring flora and fauna endemic to the Washington area. These murals, some as large as 140 feet long, contain all sorts of hidden treasures for kids to find along the way and are designed to give a patients a place to refocus their mind and relax and breathe. Small details pop out of the expansive environment that continues throughout all six floors. In the patient intake room, calming illustrations give room for the mind to wander and the youngster waiting for treatment can count the butterflies on the ceiling as a mode of distraction. A light and washy watercolour background to everything helps transition the spaces with ease and a lack of abruptness. These photos are merely a sample of the hours of illustration work contributed to this job, taken just post-installation*
The Forest B murals and outstanding interior and industrial design have also been featured in Healthcare Design Magazine‘s October 2022 issue.
*Hopefully more up-to-date photos to come soon!